开世界之门 铸民族之魂——艺术名家张世鹏

2023-08-29 来源:网络 阅读:1789






Zhang Shipeng's character Yilong, Yitong, hall name "Sanyu Zhai". Born in Beijing in March 1942. Famous painter and seal engraver in China. He is currently the deputy curator of Qi Baishi Art Museum, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of national calligraphy and painting art, a national super artist, a Chinese national guest ceremonial artist, a researcher of the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center, the deputy secretary-general, a special painter of the Friendship Art Exchange Institute of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the vice chairman of the Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center, and the president of Beijing Zhang Shipeng Academy of Calligraphy and Painting.

Zhang Shipeng was accepted as a disciple of the house by Mr. Xu Linlu in 1961. He was a retransmission disciple of Qi Baishi. In 1963, Mr. Qian Thin Tieyi, Jiangnan, studied seal engraving as a teacher. In 1987, his mentor, Mr. Xu Linlu, gave him a name and wrote Sanyuzhai as the name of the studio. His works have the aura of heaven and earth, elegant and fresh, wild and natural, presenting the artistic beauty of "peace and peace and harmony" and "the unity of heaven and man". Especially shrimp, they are all kinds of shapes, lifelike, fascinated and ready to come out. It is known as the "shrimp god" and the reputation of "book, painting and carving" and "three unique", learning is not Qi.

In 1995, the traditional Chinese painting Spring Sleep Unconsciously was collected by the Murakami Art Museum in Japan. In 1996, the People's Daily published the Fragrant Picture, which fully affirmed his calligraphy and painting attainments. In 1998, the traditional Chinese painting Lotus Pond Fun was collected in the Central South China Sea. Since 2000, the traditional Chinese painting Mingchuntu has participated in the three-year international art exhibition, and has been on toured in 15 countries and regions, including Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Canada, the United States, Brazil, France, the Philippines and Brunei. In November 2002, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, on behalf of the calligraphy and painting industry, presented the "Kowloon Picture" to Miss Julie, the daughter of former U.S. President Nixon, to show friendship. In July 2007, the "Peace Cup" Calligraphy and Painting Grand Prix of China's first Cross-Strait Ethnic Cultural Summit Forum won the first prize in the painting category. The 2008 Harmonious China Welcomes the Olympic Games National Art, Calligraphy and Photography Exhibition won the gold medal. In December 2008, Princess Lula, the king of Greece, presented her traditional Chinese painting "The Head of Good Laught" as a gesture of friendship. In 2010, he was awarded the title of Famous Calligrapher and Painter of the People's Republic of China and Hundred Outstanding Painters in China. In March 2011, at the invitation of Taiwan's Greater China Blind Date Association, he attended cultural and artistic exchange activities on both sides of the Taiwan Straits (Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao). In 2011, during President Komorovsky's visit to China, President's wife Anna Komorovska presented traditional Chinese paintings. In February 2012, he was invited to participate in the Brunei Spring Festival and had a cordial conversation with His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei. In 2013, the large-scale painting exhibition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Xi Zhongxun's birth won the Gold Award. The 2016 special issue of Wang Magazine to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army introduced Zhang Shipeng's artistic career. In July 2017, Hong Kong Chinese Television interviewed Mr. Zhang Shipeng and filmed a feature film for publicity at home and abroad. On November 12, 2017, Zhang Shipeng's 56th Calligraphy, Painting and Seal Carving Art Exhibition was grandly exhibited in Beijing 798 Art District.

Out, from all over the country.

New and old friends from all over the world came to congratulate them. On June 26, 2018, Mr. Bashar and Mr. Ga Duo, Ambassadors of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to China, collected Mr. Zhang Shipeng's traditional Chinese painting "Hetang Crab Fertilizer". On December 4, 2018, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Morocco, Mr. Zhang Shipeng presented Ambassador Mekuar with the traditional Chinese painting 'Hibiscus Picture' as a sign of friendship. On January 11, 2019, the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China under the State Council celebrated the 80th anniversary of the founding of the China Industrial Cooperation Association. Mr. Zhang Shipeng presented the traditional Chinese painting "Hongyun in the Head" to congratulate him. In January 2019, he was invited to participate in the recording of the program of the Chinese Spring Festival Gala and the second China Martial Arts Spring Festival Gala, and hung paper on the spot to create a 'harmonious picture' of traditional Chinese painting. In 2020, he was awarded the title of "Chinese Art Fight" in the Dictionary of Chinese Celebrities. In 2020, the first national calligraphy and painting invitation exhibition of "Spring and Calligraphy Spring and Autumn" won the "Gold Award for Seal Carving". In 2021, Zhang Shipeng served as the art consultant of the Beijing-Tianjin Painting School Research Institute. In 2021, the crystal glass album was edited and produced by the Art Archives Publishing House. Zhang Shipeng's role models in Chinese art are collected by embassies in China. In May 2022, Zhang Shipeng was appointed as a member of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Development Center. In June 2022, the China Art Development Center was specially invited to participate in the special report activity of "Art Masters under the Party" and awarded the title of "Contemporary Art Master". In September 2022, the Chinese Cultural Festival exhibited Zhang Shipeng's work "Hongyun at the Spanish Museum", which is one of the top 100 most valuable brand artists in China. In December 2022, Zhang Shipeng was appointed as the deputy secretary-general of the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Institute. In January 2023, Zhang Shipeng was specially appointed as the head of the Department of Calligraphy and Fine Arts of the Calligraphy and Art Academy of the China Jacaranda Association and the vice chairman of the Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center.

Mr. Zhang Shipeng is very enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings. He donated paintings and donations to charity in disaster relief activities such as flood fighting and emergency, SARS, Wenchuan and Yushu earthquake. He was awarded a charity ambassador and a artist of morality and art by the Red Cross Society of China.

Over the years, in the study of calligraphy, painting and seal engraving, I have realized the truth that "it is easy to hold the Buddha's feet, but difficult to enter the Buddha's door" because of the deep understanding of the two sentences of Qi Baishi, the teacher, "those who learn from me will die"; and Mr. Xu Linlu, the mentor, "it's easy to find the door and it's easy to enter the door". Outstanding achievements and contributions have been made to carry forward Qi school art and promote cultural and artistic exchanges between China and foreign countries.


Appreciation  of  Zhang Shipeng'sart  works


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art


Zhang Shipeng Art

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